London Renegade
Materials Focus

Updates-4The holiday edition of the London Renegade Craft Fair took place November 22nd and 23rd, 2014 at the Old Truman Brewery in East London. Over 200 indie crafters showcased their work in what was London Renegade’s best attended event to date.

Hand-drawn illustrations were a key theme, and ceramics continue to be important as identified in Highlights from Renegade New York. Paper products were the biggest category, seen as original artwork and stationary well timed for the holidays. View The Kindcraft’s materials focused report by category – Paper, Wood, Cloth, Ceramics, and Metal – and learn what’s trending in contemporary craft.


Posters, original hand-drawn artwork, stationary, and holiday greeting cards were mainly seen with white grounds with bright, colorful art or a minimal two-color scheme.


Burnished wood spoons with charming hand-drawn faces by Michelle Christensen for My Little Bellville, and the wood and cement avocados by BBHH were favorites.


Brightly printed textiles by Caitlin Hinshelwood and Passa Paa stood out at London Renegade. Caitlin creates illustrative, hand worked printed textiles in East London, while Heather Smith of Passa Paa draws inspiration from living and working in Laos. Read The Kindcraft’s Maker Profile on Heather to learn more.


The inspiring range of ceramics went from colorful and playful pieces by Amy Worrall, to all-white,  hand-drawn, to animal shapes.


Geometric jewelry by Nylon Sky features material mixing between textural walnut and birch wood with Perspex, a transparent thermoplastic.

Want to see more? Here is the London November Market Roster. View the Renegade schedule for upcoming events in Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.